LING 165
Exploring the World’s Languages
Exploring the World’s Languages
A few details
This is a three-credit linguistics course offered by UNC’s Carolina Courses Online department.
Some special
The class was multimedia-heavy and needed to accommodate specialized IPA text renderings, such as creating a special class for 3-line translation tables that scrolled horizontally to comply with translation standards and still maintain accessibility.
How I solved it
I used a clean stylesheet that centered most media elements to provide much-needed white space.
“The course looks great. Really. Well done and thank you! I know that it was a lot of tedious work and you plowed through it amazingly fast.” Caleb Hicks, CCO instructor
“The lessons each week were very well laid out on the Sakai site. I have never seen a Sakai site so useful for its students. I would even recommend having other professors see how [this site] used Sakai to be the most resourceful and helpful for students.” – LING 165 Anonymous Student Evaluation (Spring 2018)
Languages of Sub-Saharan Africa
View the video below to see the responsive and accessible tables that conform to IPA standards (i.e., no line breaks or wrapping words) in action.
Languages of Sub-Saharan Africa
Select the thumbnail image above to open an interactive page with full lesson content in a new tab.
Languages of North America
Select the thumbnail image above to open an interactive page with full lesson content in a new tab.
People involved
Weeks provided to code all 14 lessons in HTML
Students per semester
Individually-coded pieces of multimedia