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All 12 /AED 813 0 /apartment 1 /app 0 /Art 1 /Art Ed 0 /art history 0 /beauty 1 /blue out 0 /class 2 /clothing 2 /collage 0 /comfort food 0 /conference 0 /consumerism 0 /coupon 0 /disruptive technology 0 /Family 0 /friends 2 /hair 1 /Huffington Post 0 /identity 0 /Italy 0 /makeup 0 /meme 0 /movies 0 /Music 1 /naea 0 /New blog 0 /New York 0 /News 0 /Ojibwe 0 /papers 1 /personal 0 /photos 0 /projects 0 /recipes 0 /research 0 /restaurants 0 /review 4 /school 0 /shows 0 /snacks 1 /suggestions please 0 /thank you 0 /to do 1 /TV 0 /twitter 0 /Uncategorized 1 /vacation 0 /vegan 0 /video 0 /Visual Culture 0 /websites 1
Art Ed Posts
I thought I ought to catch everyone up with the posts I've written…
March 5, 2010/by lauramarchBought a Desk, Started Classes
In response to last class, I did finally buy a desk. Found it…
January 25, 2010/by lauramarchMy New Apartment
The biggest change from the city to State College is my living…
January 20, 2010/by lauramarchChanges!
I got accepted into grad school! I moved from NYC back to Pennsylvania!…
January 11, 2010/by lauramarchShoes for Good
A few weeks ago, I was watching TV when a commercial came on…
September 15, 2009/by lauramarchGet Up Offa That Thang
With all the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s hard…
August 26, 2009/by lauramarchBeauty Bounty from the Sea
A few new cosmetics came across my desk that are definitely worth…
August 21, 2009/by lauramarchNo Burnin’ Love Here
This past weekend I went to the beach with some of my closest…
August 11, 2009/by lauramarchThe Day the Music Almost Died
Last Monday the earbuds on my iPod started to die. I know I’m…
August 3, 2009/by lauramarchA New LBD
There’s nothing like a new little black dress to make you feel…
July 28, 2009/by lauramarchYogurt Party!
This afternoon, Siggi’s Yogurt sent over some of their favorite…
July 14, 2009/by lauramarchHairy Situation
Looking over my blog post from last week, I realized that I’m…
June 30, 2009/by lauramarch