Scholarly/Academic Work
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- March, L. (In press). COVID-19 and museum social media content. Arts Education Policy Review.
- Melo, M., March, L., Hirsh, K., & Arnsberg, E. (In press). Vibe check: A 360-degree enumeration of the common features of a makerspace. Library Hi Tech. Manuscript ID: LHT-05-2022-0248.
- Melo, M., March, L., Hirsh, K., & Arnsberg, E. (2023, March). Description framework of makerspaces: Examining the relationship between spatial arrangement and diverse user populations. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1002/asi.24741
- Melo, M., Hirsh, K., & March, L. (2023, January). Makerspaces in libraries at U.S. public colleges and universities: A census. portal: Libraries and the Academy 23(1), 35-43. DOI: 10.1353/pla.2023.0007.
- March, L., Arnsberg, E., & Melo, M. (2022, December). Social media representations of makerspaces. Journal of Learning Spaces, 11(2). ISSN: 21586195
- Melo, M. & March, L. (2021, October 11). By the book: A pedagogy of authentic learning experiences for emerging makerspace information professionals. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science (JELIS). DOI: 10.3138/jelis-2020-0046
- Melo, M., March, L., & Hirsh, K. (2021, September 22). Examining the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on library makerspaces and LIS makerspace curricula. Proceedings of the Association for Library and Information Science Education Conference. ISSN: 2573-2269.
- March, L. (2020, December 7). Rebel reviewers: Social media review pages as sites of Confederate memorial discourses. First Monday (25) DOI: 10.5210/fm.v25i12.10221
- March, L. & Dasgupta, G. (2020, October). Wikipedia edit-a-thons as sites of public pedagogy. The 23rd Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction – Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing 4(CSCW2).
DOI: 10.1145/3415171 - March, L. & Lee, J. (2016, March 21). Teaching teachers to teach online: How to implement an evidence-based approach to training faculty. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (pp. 696-702). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Invited Publications
- March, L. & Gibson, A.N. (2022, December). Inclusion on the Internet. In C. A. Copeland (Ed.), Differing Abilities and the Library: Fostering Equity for Patrons and Staff with Disabilities. Libraries Unlimited.
- March, L. & Melo, M. (2021, December 9). It’s time to tackle perfectionism head-on in the classroom. Times Higher Education (THE).
- March, L. & Melo, M. (2022, March 7). Build student confidence through authentic learning experiences. University of Toronto Press Blog.
- Lee, J., March, L., & Peters, R. (2015). Faculty training and approach to online education: Is there a connection? American University Center for Teaching, Research & Learning.
- March, L. (2012, December). Social media as visual research. National Art Education Association News, 54(5), p. 20.
Dissertation & Theses
- March, L. (2022. March 15). Behind the screens: Social media managers at cultural institutions. [Doctoral Dissertation]. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
- Social media communication at cultural institutions: A comprehensive review. [Comprehensive Literature Review].
- March, L. (2013, May). Memes to an end: An analysis of online activist art. (Publication No. 17619) [Art Education MS thesis]. Electronic Theses and Dissertations Database for The Pennsylvania State University.
- March, L. (2013, May). “Make it happen, students!” Digital activism, social media, and the Penn State Blue Out. [Unpublished Learning, Design & Technology MEd thesis]. The Pennsylvania State University.
Juried Presentations
- March, L., Caride, J., Lazenby, B., & Albadawi, A. (2022, October 5). Becoming an instructional designer. SITE Interactive Conference. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- March, L. (2021, July 1). Dank memes with exclusionary themes: Cultural institutions, social media, and perpetuating cultural hegemony online. DCDC21: Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities Virtual Conference.
- March, L. & Gibson, A. (2020, May 6). Disabled people use the Internet! Building and maintaining inclusive library spaces online. The Exchange: An ALCTS/LITA/LLAMA Collaboration Virtual Conference.
- March, L. (2016, November 8). Curriculum design: The missing link between learning outcomes and online course syllabi. USCA National Distance Learning Week Virtual Conference.
- March, L. (2016, October 26). Practicing what we teach: Evaluating online faculty training programs. EDUCAUSE.
- Regnér, L. & March, L. (2015, January 24). Realize your goal: ePortfolios to track students’ path to program goal fulfillment. Presented at AAC&U.
- March, L. (2014, March 29). Internet memes as visual research. Presented at the 2014 National Art Education Association Conference.
- March, L., Shapiro, S. (2014, February 3). Viral viability: Student campaigns & engagement through social media. EDUCAUSE ELI.
Invited Presentations
- March, L. & Ogdon, D. (2023, May 17). Artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education. Missouri Association of College and Research Libraries (MACRL) Spring Webinar.
- Melo, M., March, L. & Hirsh, K. (2021, July 15). A hidden link to foster equity and inclusion? A study on the defining features of academic makerspaces. MIRA: Makerspaces for Innovation and Research in Academics Conference.
- Melo, M. & March, L. (2020, March 17). Making space for memes: Creativity and self-expression in makerspaces and online communities. Uplifting Memes, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. (Program cancelled due to COVID-19)
- Dick, A., March, L. & Wilson, B. (2017, November 2). Evolution of learning design to support innovation in teaching & learning. EDUCAUSE.
- Carlman, A., Geldwert, D., March, L. & Murphy, E. (2014, April 19). Digital do-gooders panel. American University Social Learning Summit.
- Martinez, U., March, L. & Lin, Y. (2013, May 7). The rhizomatic community: Interconnecting art education through mentoring. NAEA.
- Dietz, A., March, L. & Meyer, M. (2012, May 31). Engagement & collaboration with students, faculty & staff. PSU Social Media Summit.
- Rolling, J., March, L., Pilato, N., Jung, Y., Lewis, L., Knight, W., Carpenter, B.S. & Powell, K. (2012, March 2). We are Penn State: Healing in the shadow of a climate of silence. NAEA.
Huffington Post Pieces

Grief is not an emotion I expected to experience in college. I struggled to discuss my feelings with classmates who had never considered their parents’ mortality. A friend of mine suggested that I join a bereavement group; oddly enough, his grandfather met a new love interest at a widow support meeting in New York. There was just one small problem — there were no public or student loss groups within 100 miles of my rural university.

On Saturday September 1, the Penn State Nittany Lions will host the Ohio University Bobcats in their first football game of the season. While much has been said about the redesigned Penn State uniforms making their inaugural appearance this weekend, little has been mentioned regarding the origin of the blue ribbons now featured on the back of my schoolmates’ helmets.

Last weekend marked my first attendance — and presentation — at a conference. My department received a time slot to discuss the Penn State/Sandusky scandal and I was asked to share my work on the BlueOut.
Arts Education

Concerned about getting the most from the least? Many of today’s contemporary artists are creating efficient solutions for life’s necessities. This class creatively examines the essential foundations of food, shelter, and clothing through the works of different artists.
Instructional Systems

This blueprint design focuses on the mystery surrounding the 1911 theft of the Mona Lisa. Created by the tour directors in Paris, France, students will experience place-based learning along with Goal Based Scenarios (GBS) while receiving clues to solve the mystery. Students will “check out” an iPad 2 device from the tour director and use a pre-loaded augmented reality technology for their investigations. This tool will provide access to a Mona Lisa Mystery channel housed on an augmented reality (AR) browser (such as Junaio).