Honors & Awards

Carolina Digital Humanities
Digital Innovation Fellow

Graduate Student Affiliate

Featured Panelist

Association of American Colleges & Universities
Featured Presenter

Face of Penn State
Awarded for Public Contributions & Pioneering Spirit

Huffington Post
Featured Blogger: College & Impact

Most Popular Author: 11,000,000 Views

MTV Home Entertainment
Created First iTunes Graphics
Laura is a genuine pro. She is competent, organized, and efficient. As a speaker, she is thoroughly engaging. As a leader, she is both powerful and disarming – she has an expert way of interacting with clients and colleagues. As a coworker, Laura is an incredibly congenial, fun, and lively member of our team. Her confidence is stellar, communication skills superb, and she leads a tight meeting. Laura’s knowledge on instructional design is beyond impressive; she brings a creative and fun energy to every course she designs. She loves learning new things and is eager to share what she has learned. Laura is a shining role model for positive leadership – she is truly the best.

Laura brought invaluable vision, expertise, and creativity to our group as the senior instructional designer, and after a few months took on a management role during a period of transition. A lightning-fast thinker and developer, she seems to have an endless capacity for solving problems on the fly. Laura gets it done. During the time we’ve worked together she has, in addition to her regular course projects, created robust tools for curriculum design and instructor training, managed complex partnerships, and expanded our use of the LMS, while always including and valuing the ideas of others. Given what I know about Laura’s ethical and professional interests, I will definitely track her future research!

Laura was my manager at CTRL. I had no formal experience in instructional and web design, but she had faith in my ability and taught me everything I needed to know to be successful. Laura’s management style is supportive and collaborative. She made sure I knew she had an open door policy and she was always available for guidance or feedback. That in turn created a working environment that allowed our team to effectively engage with the students, faculty, and staff that we served. Laura is a synergistic team member, thoughtful manager, and considerate friend.

Everyone who knows Laura March will tell you that she’s smart, Mensa-smart. But that’s not the whole story. She is resourceful, agile, and quick to adapt. She can handle anything you throw at her. She sincerely cares about great instructional design, project-based learning, and achieving the highest standards in education. She understands the value of digital technology, and she is definitely not afraid to use it. She also understands how to collaborate well – how to build partnerships at work. She’s a joy.

I’ve been privileged to work with Laura for nearly two years at American University’s Center for Teaching, Research, and Learning. As manager of the university’s training course for online instructors, Laura has implemented programmatic changes to offer the course several times a year for beginners as well as experienced online professors – all while facing stagnant budgets and periodic bureaucratic hurdles. She encourages faculty to explore best practices in technology-enhanced instruction while challenging entrenched teaching assumptions. Laura’s sunny disposition combined with her strategic vision make her a standout colleague, and she would be a terrific addition to an instructional design team seeking a leader.

Laura is an incredibly skillful instructional designer with an eye towards an effective student learning experience. With targeted and integrated solutions to instructional challenges that AU’s faculty members face, she helped launch some truly innovative projects with the University’s honors program and the faculty online teaching certification program. Laura is an invaluable asset to American University.

I closely collaborated with Laura for two years on training and outreach initiatives for online instructors at American University. Laura is a great facilitator who patiently and enthusiastically engages an audience with a wide range of personalities and technical skills. I was most impressed by her ability to provide individualized, detailed, and constructive feedback, customizing and deepening the participants’ learning experience. Laura’s graphic design and web design skills further enhance her effectiveness as a communicator and educator. I hope we’ll have opportunities to collaborate again in the future!

Laura March’s passion for teaching, knowledge of educational technology, and drive is unmatched. I was always impressed by Laura’s management style because her enthusiasm is infectiously motivating and she has the ability to use her staff’s skills to their full potential. Any team would be lucky to have Laura as a manager.

Laura March is extraordinarily gifted and talented. She has brought the IAH into the twenty-first century, doing everything from Google docs and Facebook updates to old-fashioned cold calling. She seems endlessly resourceful and creative; there is literally nothing she has not been able to handle. She has my very highest recommendation.

Laura stands out for all the right reasons. She is intelligent, motivated, personable, and capable in addition to possessing a technological skill set that is tremendously important in the digital age. Laura combines the social justice mindset of an educator with the drive of a professional and the intellectual curiosity of an academic. I recommend Laura without reservation and would work with her again given the chance.

Experienced educator, instructional designer, and trainer with a strong background in project management, curriculum development, and multimedia creation. Knows the value of technology and its ability to make an impact. Leads initiatives and problem-solves effectively using highly developed interpersonal skills.
Instructional Design & Teaching Experience
Penn State
American University
UNC-Chapel Hill
Mizzou (Remote)
Design & Technical Skills
- Instructional Design
- Curriculum Development
- Adobe Creative Suite
- Content/Learning Management Systems
- Website Design & Coding
- Qualitative and Quantitative Research
- Mac & Windows Environments
- Video & Digital Image Editing Software
- Training & Performance Management Solutions
- Social Media and Engagement
- Microsoft Office & Apple iWork
- Website Analytics
- iPhone/iPad App Development
- Database Software
- Adult/Continuing Education
- Leadership & Mentoring
- Teaching (K-12, Postsecondary)
- Project Management
- Organizational Leadership
- Change Management
- Educational Technology
Professional Experience
Georgetown University — Hybrid: 2023-Present
Associate Director, Learning Design
The Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship (CNDLS).
- Led projects and consults with faculty on online learning design, pedagogy, educational technology, and assessment.
- Collaborated with other leadership team members to innovate and expand Georgetown’s online programming efforts.
Leadership • Program Management • Canvas • Instructional Design • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning • Research
The University of Missouri System — Remote: 2022-2023
Instructional Design Manager
Supervised hybrid/remote instructional design team working across 4 campuses in Missouri’s state-wide university system (MU-Columbia, UMKC, UMSL, MS&T).
- Led faculty development initiatives, including the initial offering of a badging and certificate program consisting of 10 mini-courses on topics including accessibility, learning outcomes, community-building, and information architecture.
- Managed departmental activities and provided guidance for policies and procedures.
- Coded an automatic monthly reporting system that replaced manual project management documentation, reducing time spent by 95% and saving 570 hours of managerial work per year.
Leadership & Management • Canvas • Instructional Design • Faculty Development • Research
The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill, NC: 2017-2022
Asheim Fellow, Digital Innovation Fellow, Research Assistant & Instructor (2018-2022)
Ph.D. Candidate in the School of Information and Library Science.
Digital Innovation Fellow; Member of the EITM Lab; CEDI Lab; Digital Accessibility Advisory Team; and Graduate Student Affiliate at CITAP.
- Planned and completed research projects and wrote peer-reviewed journal articles, conference presentations, a book chapter, and public research products.
- Interviewed research participants in-person and virtually, transcribed audio, coded and analyzed data (using grounded methods, thematic analysis, and quantitative tests).
- Designed, created, and updated lab websites (CEDI and EITM). Ensured content conformed with WCAG accessibility requirements and SEO best practices.
- Taught INLS 161: Tools for Information Literacy for undergraduate and graduate students. Redesigned curriculum and streamlined course content into a hybrid format.
Senior Instructional Designer (2017-2018)
Led the design and production of online courses and instructional content.
- Supervised and managed workflow for 4 full-time instructional designers, oversaw project management, and built new academic programs by partnering with administrators, instructors, subject matter experts, and developers.
- Designed course sites and curricula for an 18-course Post-Masters Certificate in Digital Curation.
- Led the creation of a grant-based online training on youth with co-occurring intellectual/developmental disabilities and mental health concerns in one month and $105,000 under budget.
ADDIE • Sakai • WordPress • Articulate • Instructional Design • Adobe Creative Suite • Rise
American University — Washington, DC: 2013-2017
Online Learning Trainer & Curriculum Developer
Managed university-wide training and certification programs for all online instructors.
- Redeveloped training programs to focus on pedagogically-sound uses of educational technology (using Quality Matters), tripling the amount of online course instructors in one year.
- Supervised a team of cross-departmental Instructional Technologists and Designers.
- Created and managed a WordPress Multisite for ePortfolios, blogs, and websites with 802 sites and 2,192 users.
- Promoted from Coordinator of Faculty Technology Initiatives position within 8 months of hiring.
- Presented workshops that attracted 33% – 119% more attendees than average sessions.
ADDIE • Blackboard • WordPress • Research • Instructional Design • Adobe Creative Suite
The Pennsylvania State University — State College, PA: 2010-2013
Education Technology Services Instructional Technology Consultant: 2012-2013
Advised faculty and staff on projects, tools, and services; tested technology; and created training documentation.
- Designed and produced interactive media components and assessments for the first introductory visual arts MOOC on an Apple platform, garnering over 49,500 subscribers in 3 months.
- Updated and redesigned Penn State websites to comply with ADA accessibility guidelines, preventing $100,000 in fines.
ADDIE • HTML • CSS • Javascript • PHP • WordPress • iTunes CMS
Institute for the Arts & Humanities Public Relations & Social Media Marketing Graduate Assistant: 2011-2013
Leveraged traditional and social media tools for university and community engagement.
- Reduced publicity costs by $27,000+ while increasing event attendance by 200% via digital marketing.
- Created and managed social media profiles, reaching 45,600+ post views and 2,400+ daily users.
Facebook • Twitter • YouTube • Google Analytics • Event Marketing & Production
Blue Out for Child Abuse Prevention Founder and Co-Organizer: 2011-2013
Created, organized, and managed a multi-year grassroots activist event that became a global news item.
- Media appearances: NPR Morning Edition, ESPN SportCenter, TMZ Live, ABC News, Onward State, and Deadspin.
- Managed social media with over 35,670 Facebook and Twitter supporters and received 18,000 earned media mentions.
- Recruited, trained, and managed over 70 volunteers who collected over $34,000 in 6 hours.
- Designed all promotional visuals including an event t-shirt, which raised over $156,000 in donations.
Facebook • Twitter • Adobe Creative Suite • PR & Marketing • Grassroots Campaigning
School of Visual Arts Online Course Instructor: Summer 2011 & Summer 2012
Provided written feedback and grades to 75+ students and updated online course content.
Learning Management System • HTML • CSS • Adobe Photoshop
Palmer Museum of Art Art Education Graduate Assistant: 2010-2011
Facilitated community engagement with museum exhibitions through coordinating docent training, activity workshops, and event advertising.
- Reduced biweekly docent meeting hours by 33% by transitioning in-person volunteer scheduling system to an asynchronous online process.
- Increased exhibition engagement by generating monthly “Palmer Puzzle” games and podcasts.
Facebook • Podcasts • Adobe Creative Suite • FileMaker Pro • Microsoft Office
WeightWatchers.com, Inc. — New York, NY: 2007-2009
Project Manager of Editorial Queue & Web Design/UX Coordinator
Coordinated editorial team by prioritizing projects, proofreading content, and organizing creative assets.
- Managed assignments and quality assurance for 100+ pieces of online content per month.
- Designed all content visible to 5,600,000 monthly visitors.
- Wrote the most popular article of 2009 (11,000,000 views).
Content Management System • Test Director’s MQC • Omniture Analytics
Publications & Conferences
- March, L. (2022, May). Behind the screens: Social media managers at cultural institutions. [Doctoral dissertation]. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
- March, L. (2013, May). Memes to an end: An analysis of online activist art. (Publication No. 17619) [Art Education MS thesis]. Electronic Theses and Dissertations Database for The Pennsylvania State University Graduate School, University Park, PA.
- March, L. (2013, May). “Make it happen, students!” Digital activism, social media, and the Penn State Blue Out. [Unpublished Learning, Design & Technology MEd thesis]. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- March, L. (In Press, 2023). COVID-19 and museum social media content. Arts Education Policy Review.
- Melo, M., Hirsh, K., & March, L. (2023). Makerspaces in libraries at U.S. public colleges and universities: A census. portal: Libraries and the Academy 23(1), 35-43. DOI: 10.1353/pla.2023.0007.
- March, L., Arnsberg, E., & Melo, M. (2022, December). Social media representations of makerspaces. Journal of Learning Spaces, 11(2). ISSN: 21586195
- Melo, M. & March, L. (2021, October 11). By the book: A pedagogy of authentic learning experiences for emerging makerspace information professionals. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science (JELIS). DOI: 10.3138/jelis-2020-0046
- Melo, M., Hirsh, K. & March, L. (2021, September 22). Examining the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on library makerspaces and LIS makerspace curricula. Proceedings of the Association for Library and Information Science Education Conference. ISSN: 2573-2269.
- March, L. (2020). Rebel reviewers: Social media review pages as sites of Confederate memorial discourses. First Monday, 25(12). DOI: 10.5210/fm.v25i12.10221
- March, L. & Dasgupta, G. (2020, October). Wikipedia edit-a-thons as sites of public pedagogy. The 23rd Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction – Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing 4(CSCW2). DOI: 10.1145/3415171
- March, L. & Lee, J. (2016, March 21). Teaching teachers to teach online: How to implement an evidence-based approach to training faculty. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (pp. 696-702). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Invited Publications
- March, L. & Gibson, A.N. (In Press, 2023). Inclusion on the Internet. In C. A. Copeland (Ed.), Differing Abilities and the Library: Fostering Equity for Patrons and Staff with Disabilities. Libraries Unlimited.
- March, L. & Melo, M. (2022, March 7). Build student confidence through authentic learning experiences. University of Toronto Press Blog.
- March, L. & Melo, M.(2021, December 9). It’s time to tackle perfectionism head-on in the classroom. Times Higher Education (OpEd).
- Lee, J., March, L., & Peters, R. (2015). Faculty training and approach to online education: Is there a connection? American University Center for Teaching, Research & Learning.
- March, L. (2012, December). Social media as visual research. National Art Education Association News, 54(5), p. 20.
Juried Presentations
- March, L., Caride, J., Lazenby, B., & Albadawi, A. (2022, October 5). Becoming an instructional designer. SITE Interactive Conference. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- March, L. (2021, July 1). Dank memes with exclusionary themes: Cultural institutions, social media, and perpetuating cultural hegemony online. DCDC21: Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities Virtual Conference.
- March, L. & Gibson, A. (2020, May 6). Disabled people use the Internet! Building and maintaining inclusive library spaces online. The Exchange: An ALCTS/LITA/LLAMA Collaboration Virtual Conference.
- March, L. (2016, November 8). Curriculum design: The missing link between learning outcomes and online course syllabi. USCA National Distance Learning Week Virtual Conference.
- March, L. (2016, October 26). Practicing what we teach: Evaluating online faculty training programs. EDUCAUSE.
- Regnér, L. & March, L. (2015, January 24). Realize your goal: ePortfolios to track students’ path to program goal fulfillment. Presented at AAC&U.
- March, L. (2014, March 29). Internet memes as visual research. Presented at the 2014 National Art Education Association Conference.
- March, L., Shapiro, S. (2014, February 3). Viral viability: Student campaigns & engagement through social media. EDUCAUSE ELI.
Invited Presentations
- Melo, M., March, L. & Hirsh, K. (2021, July 15). A hidden link to foster equity and inclusion? A study on the defining features of academic makerspaces. MIRA: Makerspaces for Innovation and Research in Academics Conference.
- Melo, M. & March, L. (2020, March 17). Making space for memes: Creativity and self-expression in makerspaces and online communities. Uplifting Memes, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. (Program cancelled due to COVID-19)
- Dick, A., March, L. & Wilson, B. (2017, November 2). Evolution of learning design to support innovation in teaching & learning. EDUCAUSE.
- Carlman, A., Geldwert, D., March, L. & Murphy, E. (2014, April 19). Digital do-gooders panel. American University Social Learning Summit.
- Martinez, U., March, L. & Lin, Y. (2013, May 7). The rhizomatic community: Interconnecting art education through mentoring. NAEA.
- Dietz, A., March, L. & Meyer, M. (2012, May 31). Engagement & collaboration with students, faculty & staff. PSU Social Media Summit.
- Rolling, J., March, L., Pilato, N., Jung, Y., Lewis, L., Knight, W., Carpenter, B.S. & Powell, K. (2012, March 2). We are Penn State: Healing in the shadow of a climate of silence. NAEA.
Grants & Scholarships
Carnegie Research Grant (2021)
Funding for dissertation research participants, UNC-Chapel Hill ($200).
NSF 1942930: Faculty Early Career Program (2021)
PI: Dr. Marijel Melo. “Equity in the Making: Investigating Spatial Arrangements of Makerspaces and Their Impact on Diverse User Populations.” Role: Graduate Research Assistant ($6,384 of $715,023).
RE-07-17-0048-17: Institute of Museum and Library Services Career Grant (2019-2020)
PI: Dr. Amelia Gibson. “Deconstructing Information Poverty: Identifying, Supporting, and Leveraging Local Expertise in Marginalized Communities.” Role: Graduate Research Assistant ($48,700 of $336,649 award).
Research Assistantship & Asheim Fellowship (2018-2021)
Research Assistantship & Asheim Fellowship. School of Library and Information Science: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ($37,000).
Clare Dahlia Snetsinger Memorial Arts Scholarship (2003)
Undergraduate tuition award.
Instructional Design & Teaching Experience
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
- Instructor, INLS 161: Tools for Information Literacy (Summer 2019)
- Senior Instructional Designer & Research Assistant (2 years)
American University
- Designed, taught, and managed online faculty certification courses (4 years)
- Developed and taught UGST 196: The Art of Online Presentation (Spring 2016)
The Pennsylvania State University
- Designed and taught face-to-face, hybrid, online, and MOOC classes (3 years)
Free Arts NYC
- Weekly Volunteer Arts Instructor (1 year)
Instructor of Record & Teaching Experience
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
- Instructor, INLS 161: Tools for Information Literacy (Summer 2019)
- Senior Instructional Designer & Research Assistant (2 years)
American University
- Designed, taught, and managed online faculty certification courses (4 years)
- Developed and taught UGST 196: The Art of Online Presentation (Spring 2016)
The Pennsylvania State University
- Designed and taught face-to-face, hybrid, online, and MOOC classes (3 years)
Free Arts NYC
- Weekly Volunteer Arts Instructor (1 year)
Guest Lectures
The Ohio State University
- “COVID-19 & Informal Online Education.” (2022). ARTEDUC 5671: Organizational Leadership in the Nonprofit Arts.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- “Reference Consulting.” (2021, September 28). INLS 501: Information Resources & Services.
- “Myths of ‘Postracial’ Society / The Myth of ILS Neutrality & Allyship.” (2020, April 24). INLS 737: Information Services in a Diverse Society.
The University of Florida
- “Researching Social Media.” (2021, September 7). ENC 6428: Digital English: Rhetoric & Social Media
East Stroudsburg University
- “Creative & Technical Career Advice.” (2020, February 4). DMET 495: Seminar in Digital Media Technologies.
American University
- “Memes: Evolution, Ghosts, and LOLCats.” (2014-2017). COMM 100: Understanding Media; COMM 608: Social Media Strategy & Tactics.
The Pennsylvania State University
- “Blue Out Penn State.” (2012, September 18). COMM 260W: News Writing and Reporting.
Professional Affiliate, The Center for Information, Technology & Public Life (2021-Present)
The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Research collaborative focused on the intersections of politics and digital technology, studying virtual platforms and their designers, users, and policy makers.
Founding Co-Moderator, The Meme Studies Research Network (2020-Present)
The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
An international and interdisciplinary research network connecting scholars and fostering discussions about memes from various academic fields, methodological practices and standpoints.
Doctoral Student Association Representative (2019-2021)
School of Information and Library Science, UNC-Chapel Hill
Peer Mentor, EDUCAUSE ELI ID2ID Program (2016-2018)
Collaborated with other mid-level instructional designers. Accomplishments:
- Created “Discussion Doctor: Fixing Your Forum Failings,” which was featured by Inside Higher Ed and circulated as a resources by 15 colleges and universities.
- Invited to speak about program at EDUCAUSE 2017.
Title I Literacy Volunteer (2010-2011)
State College Area School District, PA
Provided individual literacy tutoring to elementary students.
Mentor, Free Arts NYC (2009-2010)
Stratford House, South-Central Bronx, NY
Created and taught art classes for 28 6–8-year-olds.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Doctor of Philosophy: Information and Library Science (2022, G.P.A. 4.0)
The Pennsylvania State University
Master of Science: Art Education (2013, G.P.A. 4.0)
Master of Education: Instructional Systems – Learning, Design, and Technology (2013, G.P.A. 4.0)
Bachelor of Art: Integrative Arts (2007, G.P.A. 3.9)